Jeffrey Fei; Software Engineer

I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering.

I specialize in all sorts of automation, which includes distributed infrastructure, pipelines, containerization, dev tools etc. (aka the none trivial art of reducing day to day suffering for developers)

I also have a wide breadth of experiences and knowledge in other fields of software development such as bigdata infrastructure, databases, backend, frontend in descending order of enthusiasm from myself 😞. Despite my personal preferences, I believe having more tools in your toolbox can never be detrimental, and all of the above areas are of equal importance towards the know-how of a mature developer 🤓.

To know more about my work experiences, check out my Resume.

When not coding, I spend time on:

Waxing my big honking gas guzzler ❤️

Road trips (8000+ miles racked up for 2019)

Some hiking (This one is at Death Valley National Park)